Isochrone and isodistance with Google Maps API

What is it?

Isochrone: farther locations you'll reach from a defined location if you were walking/driving for a defined amount of time.
Isodistance: farther locations you'll reach from a defined location if you were walking/driving for a defined distance (by following roads, useless if you're a bird!).

A picture is worth a thousand words

Indeed it is. Here's the isochrone of walking for 15 minutes from the Eiffel Tower in 16 directions:
isochrone google maps
As you can see, you'll walk farther to the South-East, as roads are easier to follow. To the North-West, there's a bridge to cross, and perhaps some altitude that will limit your walk within 15 minutes.

Live demo

See the demo.

Download or install

See the project on Github.